@article{oai:gifu-cwc.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000464, author = {青木, 貴子 and 黒木, 由希子 and Aoki, Takako and Kuroki, Yukiko}, journal = {岐阜市立女子短期大学研究紀要, Bulletin of Gifu City Women's College}, month = {}, note = {The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of high-fat diet to appetite and physical activity. Ten 9week-old rats were divided into two groups: 5 rats took control diet and other 5 took high-fat diet for 50weeks. They ate freely and voluntarily ran on the wheel. Energy intake of the rats in high-fat group had strong correlation to physical activity but not in control group. The rats in high-fat group were heavier than those in control group, judging from the energy intake. The rats were most active when they were about 15 week-old. Tendency of physical activity in elder period was determined by 24 week. There was no difference between two groups about physical activity. In conclusion, high-fat diet did not increase the appetite nor decrease the activity of the rats, but it gave weight easily to rats regardless the physical activity., The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of high-fat diet to appetite and physical activity. Ten 9week-old rats were divided into two groups: 5 rats took control diet and other 5 took high-fat diet for 50weeks. They ate freely and voluntarily ran on the wheel. Energy intake of the rats in high-fat group had strong correlation to physical activity but not in control group. The rats in high-fat group were heavier than those in control group, judging from the energy intake. The rats were most active when they were about 15 week-old. Tendency of physical activity in elder period was determined by 24 week. There was no difference between two groups about physical activity. In conclusion, high-fat diet did not increase the appetite nor decrease the activity of the rats, but it gave weight easily to rats regardless the physical activity.}, pages = {115--119}, title = {長期高脂肪食は食欲・日常運動量に影響するか}, volume = {52}, year = {2002}, yomi = {アオキ, タカコ and クロキ, ユキコ} }