@article{oai:gifu-cwc.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000429, author = {森島, 美佳 and 宮本, 教雄 and 清水, 義雄 and 城島, 栄一郎 and Morishima, Mika and Miyamoto, Norio and Shimizu, Yoshio and Jojima, Eiichiro}, journal = {岐阜市立女子短期大学研究紀要, Bulletin of Gifu City Women's College}, month = {}, note = {Mechanical properties measured by tensile test of Nylon6 fibers with various diameters have been examined in standard, wet, water-immersed and water-immersed by JIS conditions. Tensile test in wet condition was performed under JIS L 1030. Tensile test in water-immersed condition was applied to the fibers dipped in water. Diameters of the fibers used for the tests were 2.2 and 2.9(super micro fiber), 9.1(micro fiber), 24 and 82(normal fiber)μm. An influence of water evaporation to the mechanical properties measured in wet condition has been discussed, compared with those obtained in water-immersed and water-immersed by JIS conditions., Mechanical properties measured by tensile test of Nylon6 fibers with various diameters have been examined in standard, wet, water-immersed and water-immersed by JIS conditions. Tensile test in wet condition was performed under JIS L 1030. Tensile test in water-immersed condition was applied to the fibers dipped in water. Diameters of the fibers used for the tests were 2.2 and 2.9(super micro fiber), 9.1(micro fiber), 24 and 82(normal fiber)μm. An influence of water evaporation to the mechanical properties measured in wet condition has been discussed, compared with those obtained in water-immersed and water-immersed by JIS conditions.}, pages = {233--240}, title = {超極細ナイロン6繊維の浸水時引張特性に関する検討}, volume = {53}, year = {2003}, yomi = {モリシマ, ミカ and ミヤモト, ノリオ and シミズ, ヨシオ and ジョウジマ, エイイチロウ} }