@article{oai:gifu-cwc.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000039, author = {山田, 紀子 and 酒井, 千恵 and YAMADA, Noriko and SAKAI, Chie}, journal = {岐阜市立女子短期大学研究紀要, Bulletin of Gifu City Women's College}, month = {}, note = {The purpose of this study was to examine the current condition of health consciousness, exercise habits and body composition of 50 female college students. We also examined the relationship among health consciousness, exercise habits and body composition. Body weight, body fat and muscle mass checked by a body composition meter (InBody 770). We also surveyed on health consciousness and exercise habits. The result showed 34.0% had a body fat percentage of 30.0% or higher. This shows that hidden obesity becomes higher among them. 88.0% tried to keep healthy living habits. Regarding exercise habit, 52.0% did not have enough exercise. As a conclusion, there is a high possibility of causing muscle mass reduction early in the future is high when the current life continues. In addition, since women showed a decrease in muscle mas in the early future if they keep same living habit. In addition, since women showed a decrease in muscle mass of lower limbs from the age of 20's, education for improving exercise habit seems indispensable.}, pages = {61--66}, title = {女子大生の体組成と健康意識の実態について (創立70周年記念特集号)}, volume = {66}, year = {2016}, yomi = {ヤマダ, ノリコ and サカイ, チエ} }