@article{oai:gifu-cwc.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000385, author = {宮本, 教雄 and 宮崎, 和子 and 伊藤, きよ子 and 小野, 幸一 and 安藤, 文子 and Miyamoto, Norio and Miyazaki, Kazuko and Itoh, Kiyoko and Ono, Kouichi and Andoh, Fumiko}, journal = {岐阜市立女子短期大学研究紀要, Bulletin of Gifu City Women's College}, month = {}, note = {The problem of chilliness is difficult to study because this symptom, in general can be cured when spring comes. Coldness of the limbs has been considered to be one of the symptoms of the climacteric disturbance among middle aged females. Recently, however, it was reported that many young females also feel pain owing to coldness of the hands and legs in their daily life. In this paper, we concentrated the problems of chilliness of aged females in their daily life. By means of a questionnaire, 147 female aged from 65 to 93 years answered questions concerning: (1) physical characteristics, (2) physical conditions in their daily life, (3) physical conditions and wear form in winter, and (4) physical conditions in summer. The replies to the questionnaire were tested using the χ2 test., The problem of chilliness is difficult to study because this symptom, in general can be cured when spring comes. Coldness of the limbs has been considered to be one of the symptoms of the climacteric disturbance among middle aged females. Recently, however, it was reported that many young females also feel pain owing to coldness of the hands and legs in their daily life. In this paper, we concentrated the problems of chilliness of aged females in their daily life. By means of a questionnaire, 147 female aged from 65 to 93 years answered questions concerning: (1) physical characteristics, (2) physical conditions in their daily life, (3) physical conditions and wear form in winter, and (4) physical conditions in summer. The replies to the questionnaire were tested using the χ2 test.}, pages = {129--134}, title = {高齢女性の冷え感と着装形態の関係}, volume = {54}, year = {2004}, yomi = {ミヤモト, ノリオ and ミヤザキ, カズコ and イトウ, キヨコ and オノ, コウイチ and アンドウ, フミコ} }