@article{oai:gifu-cwc.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000034, author = {小島, ますみ and KOJIMA, Masumi}, journal = {岐阜市立女子短期大学研究紀要, Bulletin of Gifu City Women's College}, month = {}, note = {In 2013, the Japanese government announced a plan to change the curriculum of public elementary schools beginning 2020. In the new curriculum, English education will start at the third grade. For fifth and sixth graders, English will be taught more formally as a subject, and the number of classes will be doubled. This paper considers issues related to the new curriculum. First, it reviews previous studies and examines the effectiveness of early foreign language instructions, in terms of language acquisition as well as children’s motivation toward foreign language learning. Second, it considers the teacher training plans of the government and the perceptions of the elementary school teachers toward the new curriculum. Third, it discusses the relevance of the policy making process. The paper concludes that early foreign language education is not effective in terms of developing language skills or enhancing student motivation. Therefore, the paper recommends more efficient use of resources by the government, and cautions about the considerable burden of the new curriculum to the elementary school children as well as to the teachers.}, pages = {23--34}, title = {公立小学校における英語教育の早期化、教科化に関する一考察 (創立70周年記念特集号)}, volume = {66}, year = {2016}, yomi = {コジマ, マスミ} }