@article{oai:gifu-cwc.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000338, author = {神谷, 信明 and Kamiya, Nobuaki}, journal = {岐阜市立女子短期大学研究紀要, Bulletin of Gifu City Women's College}, month = {}, note = {The sutras recited by monks in communion and ceremonial sorroundings are contained in a Pail work called the Book of the Parittas and in Sinhalese it is referred to as the Piruvana Pot Vahanse. The more elaborate ritual that we see toady and the more mundane objectives involved in the whole exercise are obviously very late in origin. The partitas have been originally recited by the sangha for the exclusive purpose of warding off of evil spirits. The earliest recorded evidence for a Pirit ceremony is the one held in a city called Visala in India. The deity was suffering from an epidemic and plague and demons gathered there to devour the bodies of people who died of diseases. The Buddha is said to have visited this city in the company of Venerable Ananda and recited the Ratana Sutta and sprinkled sacred water in the city whereupon the demons were subdued. So as following I require into the origin of the pirit and pirit ceremony., The sutras recited by monks in communion and ceremonial sorroundings are contained in a Pail work called the Book of the Parittas and in Sinhalese it is referred to as the Piruvana Pot Vahanse. The more elaborate ritual that we see toady and the more mundane objectives involved in the whole exercise are obviously very late in origin. The partitas have been originally recited by the sangha for the exclusive purpose of warding off of evil spirits. The earliest recorded evidence for a Pirit ceremony is the one held in a city called Visala in India. The deity was suffering from an epidemic and plague and demons gathered there to devour the bodies of people who died of diseases. The Buddha is said to have visited this city in the company of Venerable Ananda and recited the Ratana Sutta and sprinkled sacred water in the city whereupon the demons were subdued. So as following I require into the origin of the pirit and pirit ceremony.}, pages = {23--29}, title = {On the Pirit Ceremony in Sri Lanka}, volume = {55}, year = {2005}, yomi = {カミヤ, ノブアキ} }