@article{oai:gifu-cwc.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000218, author = {柳田, 良造 and Yanagida, Ryozo}, journal = {岐阜市立女子短期大学研究紀要, Bulletin of Gifu City Women's College}, month = {}, note = {The aim of this study tries to introduce the woodland pasture by a new aspect, and to search for the creating environment of the hometown mountain and the technique of management. There is a hypothesis with a difficult environmental reproduction of the hometown mountain without the shape to have a modern meaning again appeal to the mountain environment of the hometown that combines with an agriculture approach in the background, A concrete studying method is to examine the ideal way of the environmental control technique that be can pasture a large-scale domestic animal of the horse and the cow, etc. in the hometown forest, use the technology that stands in the starting point of stock raising of hoof cultivation, and a formation of the green space environment and the citizens use it practicing it., The aim of this study tries to introduce the woodland pasture by a new aspect, and to search for the creating environment of the hometown mountain and the technique of management. There is a hypothesis with a difficult environmental reproduction of the hometown mountain without the shape to have a modern meaning again appeal to the mountain environment of the hometown that combines with an agriculture approach in the background, A concrete studying method is to examine the ideal way of the environmental control technique that be can pasture a large-scale domestic animal of the horse and the cow, etc. in the hometown forest, use the technology that stands in the starting point of stock raising of hoof cultivation, and a formation of the green space environment and the citizens use it practicing it.}, pages = {67--74}, title = {大型家畜が拓く里山環境再生手法の試み}, volume = {60}, year = {2010}, yomi = {ヤナギダ, リョウゾウ} }