@article{oai:gifu-cwc.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000165, author = {小川 , 直茂 and 藤田, 篤 and 奥村 , 和則 and OGAWA , Naoshige and FUJITA, Atsushi and OKUMURA , Kazunori}, journal = {岐阜市立女子短期大学研究紀要, Bulletin of Gifu City Women's College}, month = {}, note = {We focused on the similarity between “Abstract Approach” in design work and “Comparing Play” in early childhood. Both of them use imagination, and train imagination. So we thought that it would be possible to utilize the “Comparing Play” as an eective method of design education. To verify this hypothesis, we conducted an experiment study using a toy called “LaQ”. As a result of the investigation, it was found that the type of “Abstract Approach” of subjects can be judged by analyzing the process of “Comparing Play” and the deliverables.}, pages = {43--52}, title = {「見立て遊び」のデザイン教育への展開に関する検討}, volume = {68}, year = {2018}, yomi = {オガワ, ナオシゲ and フジタ, アツシ and オクムラ, カズノリ} }